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Art Therapy: Home

This is a research guide for a multidisciplinary approach to art therapy.

Art Therapy Guide

This is your guide to Art Therapy resources available at Cressman Library and on the internet.


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Welcome!  This guide is intended to help you research topics in art therapy

Using the tabs at the top of the Research Guide, you can navigate through the page to locate the specific type of resources you need, such as  books (and ebooks), journals and research databases as well as online resources.

Art Therapy at Cedar Crest College

Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that engages the client in the creation of artwork, using the process of artmaking as a key component to healing—emotionally, mentally and physically.

By selecting the art therapy major at Cedar Crest College, you will be introduced to issues in psychology while developing your talents in multiple studio areas.

For more information, please see the Art Department website.

Pioneers in Art Therapy

Edward Adamson

Robert Ault

Adrian Hill

Florence Cane

Mary Huntoon

Don Jones

Edith Kramer

Hanna Yaxa Kwiatkowska

Menninger Clinic

Margaret Naumburg

Janie Rhyne

Harriet Wadeson

Subject Headings (and keywords / keyword phrases)

Art Therapists

Art Therapy

Art Therapy--Case studies

Art Therapy for children

Arts--Therapeutic use

Expressive Arts Therapy

Creative Arts Therapy

Art Brut

Psychoanalysis and art

Psychology and art

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