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History: Journals

A guide to History resources in the Cressman Library.

Journal Articles

Select from the Journals listed on this page.

Or, to continue your search:
go to Cressman Library Full-Text.
go to Cressman Library E-Indexes.

See also:
EBSCO A-to-Z | E-Journals & Periodicals List to find journals and/or to verify Cressman Library holdings, whether online or in print. Select the "Subject" tab at the top of the screen, and then choose either "History: General" or "History: America."


This is a list of selected titles available to the Cedar Crest community. It is not exhaustive but it does give you an idea of the types of journals that are available for your research.  For a full listing, please see the library's E-Journals and Periodicals List and sort using the "Subject" tab at the top of the page.


Access library databases, ebooks, journals, journal articles, and streaming video from off campus.



1)  select a resource from Databases A-Z or a Research Guide (ex. EBSCOhost)

2)  on the “EzPproxy” login screen

3)  enter your FalconNet username and password


NOTE: Your EzPproxy login is the same as your Campus Network login (FalconNet); also, your Canvas login and your Email login--without the It is NOT your My CedarCrest login.

If you encounter a problem or need assistance email Cressman Library Information Services at Email individual librarians to make a Reference appointment for help with research questions.

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