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Miller Poetry Corner

Miller Poetry Room

This room was presented as a gift to the Library by the class of 1930 in memory of fellow classmate, Marjorie Wright Miller, who was a writer of poetry.  This comfortable space is used for small group meetings. There are also small classes held in this area, please check the schedule located nearby.

Split this Rock: Socially Engaged Poets

“Split This Rock cultivates, teaches, and celebrates poetry that bears witness to injustice and provokes social change. It calls poets to a greater role in public life and fosters a national network of socially engaged poets. Building the audience for poetry of provocation and witness from our home in the nation’s capital, we celebrate poetic diversity and the transformative power of the imagination.”

The name "Split This Rock" is pulled from a line in “Big Buddy,” a poem from Langston Hughes.

Don’t you hear this hammer ring?
I’m gonna split this rock
And split it wide!
When I split this rock,
Stand by my side.

“The work of writing the poems that split open the injustices in society is in some ways a solitary act, but it is also an act that requires community. Split This Rock calls all of us to split this rock, and to do it together.”

Academy of American Poets

Be sure to sign up for a Poem-a-Day! (The poems are previously unpublished poems by contemporary poets, as well as classic poems, delivered daily).

Cressman Library journals and magazines, include:

Cressman Library, Films on Demand

Poetry Magazine

The Miller Poet's Corner contains numerous print issues of Poetry Magazine. Published monthly by the Poetry Foundation, it is one of the leading English-language poetry journals in the world. The Cressman Library's print collection covers January 2010 through May 2024, with only a few exceptions. They are available for in-library use, but do not circulate. Browse at your leisure!

These volumes were donated by Ken Sacks from the collection of his wife, Patricia Ann Sacks (Class of '59), who served as Director of the Cressman Library from 1973-1994.

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