WorldCat Discovery is the Cressman Library catalog of books, e-books, print journals, online journals, journal articles (both print and online) and media, including streaming video. Many of the resources that the library subscribes to and that are available in other library databases are also indexed in WorldCat Discovery.
Search the library catalog, WorldCat Discovery, for books. Enter your search terms and then limit the FORMAT to book.
For eBooks, start by following the links listed in 1-4 below.
1) Go to ebrary (ProQuest Ebook Central) or the EBSCO eBook Collection from the Cressman Library Full-Text page.
2) Go to SpringerLink from the Cressman Library Full-Text page and select Browse, then Books, Book Series or eReferences.
3) Go to SAGE Knowledge from the Cressman Library Full-Text page and select Browse, then select your subject.
4) Go to NCBI Bookshelf. National Center for Biotechnology Information Bookshelf. Open in PubReader or as PDF.
For more, search the suggested websites and databases listed on the eBooks Research Guide.
Search the library catalog, WorldCat Discovery, for streaming video. Enter your search terms and then limit the FORMAT to eVideo.
Master Academic Package over 25,000 titles, over 250,00 segments.
Nursing Video Collection over 750 titles.
Health & Society from Alexander Street Press.