Look for free online publications at museum websites. See examples on the Books and Video page of this LibGuide under Guggenheim and National Gallery of Art. If the entire book or catalogue is not available online, check WorldCat Discovery. Request an Interlibrary Loan if not available at Cedar Crest. For example, just 23 of 140 pages of this MoMA publication are available online. Go to WorldCat Discovery to check for it in the library catalog: One and One Is Four: The Bauhaus Photocollages of Josef Albers.
Go to other museums online, including museums dedicated to specific artists. Ex. Van Gogh (Amsterdam), Picasso (Barcelona) or Picasso (Paris)
Creative Commons supports the search and re-use of The Metropolitan Museum of Art collection with its CCSearch beta at https://ccsearch.creativecommons.org/themet.