Annual Reviews is a definitive academic resource in more than 50 scientific disciplines. Annual Reviews synthesizes primary research literature and identifies the principal contributions in your field. Annual Reviews publications are among the highest cited publications by impact factor according to the Journal Citation Reports® published by Thomson Reuters. The library subscribes to Anthropology, Clinical Psychology, Immunology, Microbiology, Neuroscience, Nutrition, Psychology, and Sociology. You will also find the indexing and abstracting to the over 50 Annual Reviews here. Every quarter, Annual Reviews converts several journal volumes to Open Access, so even if we do not have subscription access, you may have open access.
Subscription access to a number of journals; plus, open access to many more with coverage in Nutrition, the health sciences and a wide range of other disciplines. Follow the Cambridge Core Open Access link for open access to books, too.
Search Google Scholar from the Cressman Library Databases A-Z list or from a Cressman Library Research Guide so that your results will include Find It@Cedar Crest and Full Text @ Cedar Crest links when the library has full text access to an article. If you do not use the library's Google Scholar link, then select Cedar Crest College in the Google Scholar Settings for “Library links.”
This database gives access to Open Access dissertations and theses produced by students at Cedar Crest College. To find all ProQuest Open Access dissertations and theses worldwide, go to
Multidisciplinary collection of resources. Life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. Provides access to several Business, History, and a number of Sociology reference works from Blackwell Reference Online and access to over 1,800 Wiley journals.