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Art Therapy: ART 103

This is a research guide for a multidisciplinary approach to art therapy.

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ART 103 Fall 2020-2021

Concentrate your searches in PsycInfo/PsycArticles (and CINAHLas introduced in this presentation. The Full Text Finder links will take you to the other databases that are covered. Try the sample searches featured in the next two boxes to get started.

Sample Search in PsycInfo/PsycArticles



PsycInfo Scope Note for the Subject, Art Therapy

APA PsycInfo Scope Note for Art Therapy image

Start with a database from this Databases Gallery


PsycINFO is a bibliographic database providing abstracts and citations to the scholarly literature in the psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences. The database includes material in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work.

Why peer reviewed articles?

According to Berkeley’s site, Understanding Science 101 Scrutinizing Science, peer review helps provide assurance that published research meets minimum standards for scientific quality. Peer review typically works something like this:

  1. A group of scientists completes a study and writes it up in the form of an article. They submit it to a journal for publication.
  2. The journal’s editors send the article to several other scientists who work in the same field (i.e., the “peers” of peer review).
  3. Those reviewers provide feedback on the article and tell the editor whether or not they think the study is of high enough quality to be published.
  4. The authors may then revise their article and resubmit it for consideration.
  5. Only articles that meet good scientific standards (e.g., acknowledge and build upon other work in the field, rely on logical reasoning and well-designed studies, back up claims with evidence, etc.) are accepted for publication.


More at Understanding Science 101, Scrutinizing Science: Peer Review

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