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Inclusion and Diversity in Curricula: Course Design

Diversifying Your Course

In addition to introducing the components and expectations of the course, the primary purpose of a syllabus should be to welcome your students to the course. To that end, it is important that your syllabus strikes a welcoming, inclusive tone. You can accomplish this by focusing on the language used in the syllabus, and evaluating the resources of your course to ensure that they represent diverse voices and perspectives. See the guides below for more detailed explanations of how to accomplish that.

Inclusive Syllabus Design

Below are guides for making a more welcoming, inclusive, and diverse syllabus, created by other institutions.  They highlight the importance of setting guidelines for interaction that frame inclusivity as a primary goal from the start.  Researchers say that inclusion does not happen unless it is planned for, even for those with good intentions.  In this section, you will find modules that instruct on building an inclusive syllabus, sample syllabi, templates, checklists, syllabus builders, sample language, assessment tools, and more.  

Working Towards Achieving Diversity

The links below discuss efforts across various disciplines to increase diversity, and present potential next steps in these efforts.

Cedar Crest College Diversity Rubric

Anti-Racist Pedagogy in Action: First Steps

Anti-Racism Pedagogy and Inclusive Pedagogy are not the same and cannot be used interchangeably.  

Diversifying Course Materials

Include content in your course that is both by and about underrepresented communities, as well as systemic injustices as they relate to your field. There is no such thing as a discipline unaffected by oppressive systems.  Below you will find readings that should help you include a diversity of voices in your discipline. 

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