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Inclusion and Diversity in Curricula: Using This Guide

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Diversifying Curricula

Cedar Crest College is committed to diversity and inclusion. This mission is outlined in detail by the Center for Diversity and Inclusion's webpage. In addition to the larger mission of the college, there are many small things that instructors can do to foster inclusion in their courses. These efforts can include:

  • Ensuring that your syllabus has inclusive language
  • Being clear and explicit about the course expectations and how grades are awarded
  • Teaching the research, learning, and disciplinary processes as well as the content 
  • Fostering free and open communication in the classroom
  • Diversifying course materials to be more representative
  • Adapting teaching strategies to accommodate diverse backgrounds and learning styles
  • Allowing students to demonstrate their learning in diverse ways: writing, speaking, media presentations, etc.

This guide will help you do all of these by providing guidelines, helpful tips, and links to resources both within the library collection and online.

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