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Social Justice: Cedar Crest College Anti-Racist Resources

Cedar Crest College Faculty, Staff Discussion Series


See also: Univ. of Minn. | 22 Racial Justice ebooks | free until AUG 31, 2020

#ShutDownAcademia   #ShutDownSTEM   #Strike4BlackLives   #SayHerName

“Justice is what love looks like in public.” Cornel West, Professor of Philosophy

Black Lives Matter. We should not need to state this fact. Cressman Library takes this moment to grieve with the families of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, India Kager, Pamela Turner, Brian Keith Day, Janet Wilson, and many many more that have been murdered by police.

We stand in solidarity with those protesting to bring about change in the American systems and institutions that were built specifically to strengthen the legitimacy of white supremacy. We commit to use the library to call out injustice and amplify the voices of those that go unheard and call for all of you to use your spheres of influence to do the same. It is not just the responsibility of Black and non-Black people of color to bring about needed change. It is the job of those that unfairly have more power, more influence, and louder voices to wake up and demand a criminal justice system that does not use the legacy of slavery and fear as a defense for the murder of Black people, an education system that does not use geography and privilege to dictate which students are deserving of a decent education, an immigration enforcement system that does not incarcerate families and put babies and children in cages under the guise of legal citizenship, a culture that does not erase entire peoples and cultures with a rightful claim to the history of the land. We must all use whatever privilege we have to help rectify racial injustice in every system of American life. That means ME, that means YOU, that means US.  We must examine and be willing to change OUR rules, OUR hiring practices, OUR courses, the books WE choose to make available, to teach and to read, the faculty WE amplify, the research WE support, the students WE mentor, the spaces WE police.

Today Cressman Library will #shutdownacademia and strike for Black Lives. We are taking the day to reflect on how we can personally do better in the fight for racial justice.
#shutdownacademia #shutdownstem #cedarcrestcollege #cressmanlibrary #highered

June 10, 2020

No research      No meetings      No classes      No business as usual

#ShutDownAcademia #ShutDownSTEM
( and Take ActionAmplify Black Voices
Resources and Healing from Anti-Black Racism

June 10, 2020

No research      No meetings      No classes      No business as usual


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