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Exercise Science: Finding Articles / Using Databases

Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Kinesiology

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ACSM journals via Ovid



Exercise Science related journals listed are from various Cressman Library databases.


American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, Sage

American Journal of Sports Medicine, The, Sage

Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation MedicineScience Direct

BMC Complementary and Alternative MedicineSpringerLink

BMC Sports Science, Medicine and RehabilitationSpringerLink

Child DevelopmentWiley Online

Chiropractic & Manual TherapiesSpringerLink

Clinical BiomechanicsScience Direct

Clinical ChiropracticScience Direct

European Journal of Applied PhysiologySpringerLink

European Journal of Integrative MedicineScience Direct

European Physical Education ReviewSage

European Spine JournalSpringerLink

Exercise & Sport Sciences ReviewsOvid

Experimental Brain ResearchSpringerLink

Gait & PostureScience Direct

Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics SocietySage

Human Movement ScienceScience Direct

Human PhysiologySpringerLink

International Journal of Sport and Exercise PsychologyEBSCOhost: Social Sciences Full Text

International Review for the Sociology of SportSage

JOPERD: Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and DanceTaylor & Francis

Journal of Athletic TrainingPubMed open access

Journal of Bodywork and Movement TherapiesScience Direct

Journal of Chiropractic MedicineScience Direct

Journal of Electromyography and KinesiologyScience Direct

Journal of Exercise Physiology onlineAmerican Society of Exercise Physiologists, open access

Journal of Exercise Science & FitnessScience Direct

Journal of Foot and Ankle ResearchSpringerLink

Journal of Foot and Ankle SurgeryScience Direct

Journal of Hand TherapyScience Direct

Journal of Human KineticsPubMed open access

Journal of Human Sport and ExerciseUniversity of Alicante, open access

Journal of Manipulative and Physiological TherapeuticsScience Direct

Journal of Orthopaedic ScienceSpringerLink

Journal of Orthopaedics, Trauma and RehabilitationScience Direct

Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, TheJ-STAGE open access

Journal of Science and Medicine in SportScience Direct

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow SurgeryScience Direct

Journal of Sport & Social IssuesSage

Journal of Sport and Health ScienceScience Direct

Journal of Sports EconomicsSage

Journal of Sports Science and MedicinePubMed open access

Journal of the International Society of Sports NutritionEBSCO: General Science Full Text

Knee, TheScience Direct

Manual TherapyScience Direct

Medical and Biological Engineerinig and ComputingSpringerLink

Medical Engineering & PhysicsScience Direct

Medicine & Science in Sports & ExerciseOvid

Mental Health and Physical ActivityScience Direct

Multiple Sclerosis JournalSage

Neuromuscular DisordersScience Direct

Neurorehabilitation and Neural RepairSage

North American Journal of Sports Physical TherapyPubMed open access

Obesity Research & Clinical PracticeScience Direct

Operative Techniques in Sports MedicineScience Direct

Orthopaedics and TraumaScience Direct

Performance Enhancement & HealthScience Direct

Physical Therapy in SportSpringerLink

Physiology & BehaviorScience Direct

PhysiotherapyScience Direct

PM&RAmerican Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Science Direct

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in MedicineSage

Prosthetics and Orthotics InternationalSage

Psychology of Sport and ExerciseScience Direct

Science & Sports, Science Direct

Spine Journal, TheScience Direct

Sport Sciences for HealthSpringerLink

Sport, Exercise, and Performance PsychologyPsycArticles

Sports Health : a Multidisciplinary ApproachSage



Databases to search for journals and journal articles related to Exercise Science.


A C S Publications

American Chemical Society publications. The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, The Journal of Proteome Research and other journals cover the chemical basis of muscle, movement and the effect of nutrition.


Cumulative Index for Nursing and Allied Health Literature Limited to 4 simultaneous users. CINAHL is the authoritative resource for nursing and allied health professionals, students, educators and researchers


Includes Education Full Text, General Science Full Text and OmniFile Full Text databases.


"ERIC - the Education Resources Information Center - is an online digital library of education research and information. ERIC is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education. ERIC provides ready access to education literature to support the use of educational research and information to improve practice in learning, teaching, educational decision-making, and research."

Evidence Based Medicine Reviews | EBM Reviews from Ovid: Journals A-Z

A definitive resource for evidence based medicine (EBM) that combines 7 of the most trusted EBM resources into a single, fully-searchable database.


From the APA: citations and abstracts to scholarly literature in the psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences. PsycARTICLES provides access to journal articles, books, chapters, and dissertations.

SAGE Journals Online

Over 550 peer reviewed journals. Social Sciences and extensive scientific, technical and medical (STM) coverage.

Science Direct

Scientific, technical and medical (STM) literature. The "green key" when browsing journals and the green square next to the article title when searching indicate full-text.


Scientific, technical and medical (STM) journals, book series, books and reference works. Full-text is indicated by a PDF link.

Wiley Online Library

Multidisciplinary collection of resources. life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. Now including reference works from Blackwell Reference Online and access to 2,000+ titles.

PubMed with Full Text Finder links


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PubMed with Full Text Finder links

Look for the Full Text Finder link indicating our access to full text. If the library does not have access to the full text of an article, though, you will be redirected to WorldCat Discovery, the library catalog, to request an Interlibrary Loan.

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