You will find selected videos listed on this page. Continue your search in the library catalog, WorldCat Discovery.
For example, search for the keyword "art therapy" then on the left-hand side select "video" under (show more) format.
"We will examine how neuroscience research has elucidated how, in the course of development, children learn to regulate their arousal systems and to focus on what is most relevant. We then will examine how trauma, abuse and neglect derail these processes and affect brain development." Therapist Bessel van der Kolk, Milton H. Erickson Foundation, 2013, 1 hour 54 minutes.
Have just 20 minutes, look for the How To Academy Mindset YouTube video Healing Trauma & How the Body Keeps the Score | Dr Bessel van der Kolk.
YouTube is a good place to look for visual lessons and online sessions. Keywords such as "art therapy" followed by focused keywords such as "grief", "children", "adults" or "psychotherapy" will yield video clips, examples and explanations that show art therapy sessions in a variety of settings.
Evaluate sites the way you would evaluate a book or other resource. Who sponsors it? When was it last updated? Who videotaped it? Who links to it?