Access library databases and full-text articles from on and off campus. For off campus access, follow the directions below.
1) Select the resource you want to use, 2) on the “EZproxy” screen, and 3) enter your FalconNet campus network login.
If you encounter a problem or need assistance with research questions, contact Information Services at 610-606-4666 (ext: 3536).
BioOne: An indexed and fully searchable collection of abstracts that link to full text articles available from BioOne.
Frontiers: Open-access journals across all of academia, covering hundreds of specialty areas in Science, Health, Technology, Engineering and more.
General Science Full Text (EBSCO): Subject coverage includes biology, botany, chemistry, conservation, zoology and much more.
GreenFILE Index (EBSCO): Indexing and abstracts for more than 375,000 records with Open Access full text for more than 4,500 records.
Nature: Search within the journal Nature. Our subscription covers from 2010 to the present.
Oxford University Press: Cressman Library subscribes to several OUP journals. You will also find high quality research articles in OUP Open Access journals. On the search results page, be sure to check availability: Open Access, Free, and Available.
PubMed with Full Text Finder Links:
ScienceDirect: Journals “subscribed to Full Text” are noted by the symbol to the left of the alphabetical listing.
SpringerLink (Springer Nature): Journals “subscribed to Full Text” are noted by the symbol to the left of the alphabetical listing.
Wiley: NEW, as of 1/2021, the library has current access to 2,000+ Wiley Online journal titles.
Search Google Scholar from the Databases A-Z page or from a Cressman Library Research Guide so that your results will include Find It @ Cedar Crest links when the library has full text access.