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Teaching Problematic Literature: Web Resources

Teaching Problematic Literature

The philosophy of addressing the problematic content of classic literature is a relatively new one. We will update this LibGuide with additional web resources as more are published.

Note:  There are some excellent resources listed here, but please keep in mind that in general many Web-based resources must be reviewed for authority, accuracy and authenticity. Also, Web materials are time-sensitive - a page in existence one week may not be around the following week. We have tried to list reliable, stable websites, but these tenets are always good to keep in mind while browsing

Diversifying Literature

The following links contain recommendations for more diverse content as potential supplements for problematic literature

Essays and Articles


#OwnVoices is a movement in YA literature that attempts to elevate the voices of marginalized groups, based on the idea that those in the groups are best qualified to speak for them. The intent is to present diverse stories from diverse authors, and (as a result) counteract the damaging or uninformed representations of marginalized groups in literature.

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