Your Path to Nursing Success
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Search for Books (electronic books):
For eBooks, start by following the links listed in 1-5, by selecting the books listed below, or by going to the Cressman Library eBooks LibGuide.
1) Go to ebrary (ProQuest Ebook Central). A set of Springer Publishing ebooks are available there.
2) Go to SpringerLink from the Cressman Library Full-Text page and select Browse, then Books, Book Series or eReferences.
3) Go to SAGE Knowledge from the Cressman Library Full-Text page and select Browse, then select your subject.
4) Go to Ovid from the Cressman Library Full-Text page and select Books@Ovid.
5) Go to NCBI Bookshelf. National Center for Biotechnology Information Bookshelf. Open in PubReader or as PDF.
Open in PubReader or as PDF.
NCBI Bookshelf provides free online access to books and documents in life science and healthcare. Search, read, and discover.
Master Academic Package over 40,000 titles, over 300,00 segments
Archival Films & Newsreels Collection over 5,000 titles
Nursing Video Collection over 1,000 titles
To search for Media:
Search the Cressman Library catalog using WorldCat Discovery. To find videos, limit the search results under the "format" filter to "video."
See also: Health & Society in Video from Alexander Street Press (streaming video) and the Films on Demand: Nursing Video Collection.