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Search for ebooks about "anesthesiology OR anesthesia" and look for the filters in the left column. Note the disciplines listed and the many subdisciplines that may be selected to refine your search.
International Student Journal of Nurse Anesthesia (ISJNA) | CINAHL search for articles in ISJNA
International Student Journal of Nurse Anesthesia (ISJNA) | Google Scholar search for articles in ISJNA
International Student Journal of Nurse Anesthesia (ISJNA) | ISJNA website
EBSCO: 2012 - present
"The AANA Journal is the official scholarly journal of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Published bimonthly, the AANA Journal delivers practical clinical information that fosters the understanding of the science of anesthesia delivery and investigates ideas, issues, and innovations that advance the practice of nurse anesthesia."
A&A Case Reports Ovid: 2013 - 2017
A&A Practice Ovid: 2018 - present
Anesthesia & Analgesia Ovid: 1957 - present, EBSCO: 1922 - embargo (1 yr) EBSCO link (embargo 1 yr) goes to LWW. Includes video summaries of each issue. Articles will sometimes include supplemental digital content (SDC).
British Journal of Pain SAGE Journals: 2012 - present
Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia SAGE Journals: 1999 - present
Trauma SAGE Journals: 1999 - present
Advances in Anesthesia Science Direct: 2009 - present
Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine Science Direct: 2009 - present
Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine Science Direct: 2015 - present
Australian Critical Care Science Direct: 2009 - present
Best Practice & Research: Clinical Anaesthesiology Science Direct: 2009 - present
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology (English Edition) Science Direct: 2013 - present
Intensive and Critical Care Nursing Science Direct: 2009 - present
International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia Science Direct: 2009 - present
International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing Science Direct: 2010 - present
Journal of Anesthesia History Science Direct: 2015 - present
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia Science Direct: 2009 - present
Journal of Clinical Anesthesia Science Direct: 2009 - present
The Journal of Clinical Anesthesia (JCA) is affiliated with four societies that make it their official journal: Society for Education in Anesthesia (SEA); the American Association of Clinical Directors (AACD); the Society for Airway Management (SAM); and the Orthopedic Anesthesia Pain Rehabilitation Society (OAPRS).
Journal of Critical Care Science Direct: 2009 - present
Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing Science Direct: 2009 - present
"The Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing provides original, peer-reviewed research for a primary audience that includes nurses in perianesthesia settings, including ambulatory surgery, preadmission testing, postanesthesia care (Phases I and II), extended observation, and pain management. The Journal provides a forum for sharing professional knowledge and experience relating to management, ethics, legislation, research, and other aspects of perianesthesia nursing. " See also: American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses
Pain Management Nursing Science Direct: 2009 - present
"This peer-reviewed journal offers a unique focus on the realm of pain management as it applies to nursing. Original and review articles from experts in the field offer key insights in the areas of clinical practice, advocacy, education, administration, and research. Additional features include practice guidelines and pharmacology updates." See also: American Society for Pain Management Nursing
Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management Science Direct: 2009 - 2015
Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care Science Direct: 2009 - present
Journal of Pain Science Direct: 2009 - present
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management EBSCO Open Access: 1995 - present (1 yr embargo), Science Direct: 2009 - present
BMC Anesthesiology BioMed Central (BMC): 2001 - present, SpringerOpen: 2001 - present
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia SpringerLink: 1997 - present, also: Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society
Current Anesthesiology Reports SpringerLink: 2013 - present
Intensive Care Medicine SpringerLINK: 1997 - present
Journal of Anesthesia SpringerLink: 1997 - present
Anaesthesia 1997 - present
BMC Anesthesiology BioMed Central (BMC): 2001 - present, SpringerOpen: 2001 - present
Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology DOAJ: 2005 - present, PubMed Central: 2010 - present
"Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology is a quarterly peer-reviewed international journal published by the Research Society of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology. The journal’s full text is available online at The journal allows free access (Open Access)..."
McGraw Hill Medical Anesthesiology AccessAnesthesiology
McGraw-Hill YouTube video:
AccessAnesthesiology Brief Overview
UpToDate® is an evidence-based clinical decision support system authored by physicians to help clinicians make the right decisions at the point of care. With a robust editorial team of world-renowned physician authors, editors and peer reviewers, the most current medical information is synthesized into trusted, evidence-based recommendations that are proven to improve patient care and quality. Key features include: Links to Full-Text articles, Medical Calculators, Graphic Searches, and Drugs and Drug interaction information.