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Business: Journals

Guide to Business resources at Cressman Library

Business Journals with high "impact factor" (Eigenfactor)


Journal of ManagementSage Journals Online

Journal of Consumer ResearchJSTOR

Journal of International Business Studies, SpringerLINK/Springer Nature, NexisUni

Journal of Business EthicsSpringerLINK / Springer Nature

Administrative Science QuarterlySage Journals Online

Entrepreneurship Theory and PracticeSage Journals Online

Journal of the Academy of Marketing ScienceSpringerLINK / Springer Nature

Small Business EconomicsSpringerLINK / Springer Nature

MIT Sloan Management ReviewMIT

Psychology & Marketing, Wiley

Quantitative Marketing and Economics - QMESpringerLINK / Springer Nature

Journal of Service Research, Sage Journals Online

Journal of AdvertisingEBSCO

Journal of Productivity AnalysisSpringerLINK / Springer Nature

Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Sage Journals Online


MIT Sloan Management Review graphic

E-Journals & Periodicals


E-Journals & Periodicals

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Center for Crowdfunding Research Journal Articles


UiA Crowdfunding Research Center

Journal Articles

ex. article in the Journal of Alternative Finance (from SAGE).

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