Make your thesis or dissertation available to the research community with ProQuest ETD Administrator.
ProQuest published Open Access Cedar Crest College theses and dissertations will be freely available at ProQuest PQDT Open and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ Cedar Crest College.
I grant permission for my paper to be accessible through ProQuest and the Cedar Crest College Archives/Institutional Repository site according to the publishing settings I choose for ProQuest--OPEN ACCESS.
When a Cedar Crest College dissertation is published by ProQuest, that dissertation will be indexed and abstracted in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (PQDT) and available there in full text if the dissertation was submitted as Open Access to subscribers of PQDT.
ProQuest published Open Access* Cedar Crest College dissertations will be freely available at ProQuest PQDT Open.
ProQuest published Cedar Crest College dissertations will also be available to the College community via Dissertations & Theses @ Cedar Crest College, per the student selected ProQuest ETD publishing option.
Dissertations & Theses @ Cedar Crest College is an Ezproxy/IP restricted or Shibboleth restricted database. (Log in with your FalconNet account, if you are off-campus.)
* Cressman Library required/recommended. Open Access*
** Copyright
** Your thesis or dissertation is automatically protected under copyright. However, there are some important practical and legal benefits to registering your copyright, particularly the right to collect "statutory damages" in a successful infringement lawsuit. Essentially, if at some point you might want to take legal action in order to protect your work, you should register it with the U.S. Copyright Office. FAQs How Do I Protect My Idea? Copyright does not protect ideas, concepts, systems, or methods of doing something. You may express your ideas in writing or drawings and claim copyright in your description, but be aware that copyright will not protect the idea itself as revealed in your written or artistic work. |
Intellectual Property and Copyright?
Can data be copyrighted? Please refer to Kent State University's Data Management, Protecting your Intellectual Property LibGuide.
Do you have questions about embargoes? Please refer to 1) Georgia Southern University's Understanding Embargoes guidelines, 2) the University of Oklahoma for information about embargoes and publishing, 3) UC Berkeley Library Dissertation FAQs "Will publishing my dissertation open access immediately with no embargo affect the acceptance of publications derived from it?" or 4) ProQuest's Embargo and Restriction Options support center page, with for example, "content that is likely to be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal."
A physical signature page should no longer be included with your thesis/dissertation?
The Signature Page
The signature page should bear the signatures of the thesis/dissertation director and all readers. The typed names of the director and readers must appear under their signature lines. Electronic signatures are acceptable. An unsigned copy of the signature page should be uploaded to ETD system.
ProQuest has an ETD Administrator LibGuide.