Student Research Opportunities, from
Students enrolled in the Master of Education program are required to become competent as consumers of educational research. We encourage our students—especially those who may pursue doctoral studies in the future—to become involved in research studies conducted by Cedar Crest College faculty.
Student research projects take many different forms, including:
Not necessarily. All students seeking the degree of master of education must complete a capstone project. Candidates have a choice of a thesis (recommended if you plan to do doctoral studies in the future) or an integrated capstone application project.
The ProQuest Dissertations Bootcamp in 3 Modules.
Module 1. Getting Started on Your Thesis or Dissertation
Module 2. Efficient Discovery and Research Curation
Module 3. Developing a Productive Writing Plan
Publishing Guides
Provides guidance on how to embed fonts and other issues important to preparing your manuscript for submission.
A complete list of the available ProQuest subject categories.
(This is to submit your thesis without using Cedar Crest College Cressman Library ProQuest ETD; however, you can still follow the steps involved as an additional checklist. You will find that the costs you incur will be lower than indicated on this form & instruction sheet when, instead, your thesis is submitted through the library and your department as Open Access via our ProQuest ETD online system.)
More information on the publishing options available to you, and why you might choose one over the other.
Provides guidance on why you may or may not want to put an embargo or sales restriction on your graduate work.