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Researching: Topics & Research


A topic may be:

1. assigned by your professor
2. developed through discussion
3. developed by reading or via the media
4. of personal interest
5. based on professional experience

A topic should:

  •  be very interesting to you
  •  not be too broad and not be too narrow

For example, you may decide on a topic while reading a book or while listening to the news.

Develop your topic as you locate information. You may need to broaden or narrow it.


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Search Strategies


Use this guide to get started and to refer to it throughout the research process and download the Search Strategies document for a checklist of steps to follow.


Research questions will answer,


WHO - Who is affected by the topic?

WHAT - What impact? What effect?

WHEN - Current? Historic?

WHERE - Local? International?


"What effect does global warming have on public health in the United States?"

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