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Forensic Science - FSC 500/503: Databases


Access library databases, ebooks, journals, journal articles, and streaming video from off campus.



1)  select a resource from Databases A-Z or a Research Guide (ex. EBSCOhost)

2)  on the “EzPproxy” login screen

3)  enter your FalconNet username and password


NOTE: Your EzPproxy login is the same as your Campus Network login (FalconNet); also, your Canvas login and your Email login--without the It is NOT your My CedarCrest login.

If you encounter a problem or need assistance email Cressman Library Information Services at Email individual librarians to make a Reference appointment for help with research questions.

From Basic to Advanced Searching

While searching most any database, you can go to a basic search page/box and perform an advanced Boolean search there. Be sure to capitalize AND, OR and NOT. Use quotations marks for exact phrases and use parentheses as needed.


Use OR to search for similar concepts; and NOT to exclude a sub-topic.

degraded DNA OR DNA degradation

(("degraded DNA" OR "DNA degradation") NOT "ancient DNA")

Use AND to interrelate concepts; and NOT to exclude a sub-topic.

DNA AND x-ray

DNA NOT x-ray

From Basic to Advanced Searching, cont.

Questions about a Journal title?

Search E-Journals & Periodicals Publication Finder to find journals and/or to verify Cressman Library subscriptions. Or check, the WorldCat Discovery A-to-Z Titles list.

TIP: Before submitting an Interlibrary Loan, be sure to look up the journal title in E-Journals & Periodicals Publication Finder or in the WorldCat Discovery A-to-Z Titles list. Try searching Google Scholar, too.


Search WorldCat Discovery (the library catalog)


CAS SciFinder-n

How to Register to Use SciFinder-n

Registration requires a URL provided by Cedar Crest College Chemical & Physical Sciences Department Faculty to access the SciFinder-n registration form.



If you are registered, then access SciFinder-n whether on campus or off campus. If you are off campus, you will be prompted to log into EZproxy before logging into SciFinder-n.


CAS SciFinder-n Help

Introduction to Searching

More databases for Chem/FSC

PubMed vs. PubMed with Full Text Finder links

PubMed Over 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central (open access) and publisher web sites.


Search PubMed with Full Text Finder links for a better indication of what the library subscribes to. Look for the Full Text Finder link indicating our access to full text. If the library does not have access to the full text of an article, though, you will be redirected to WorldCat Discovery, the library catalog, to request an Interlibrary Loan.

undefined   undefined

MEDLINE, PubMed, and PMC (PubMed Central): How are they different?

Fact Sheet: MEDLINE, PubMed, and PMC (PubMed Central): How are they different?

1. MEDLINE, indexed with MeSH/Medical Subject Headings.
2. PubMed, includes the MEDLINE database and more. You will have access to full text articles from PubMed Central (PMC); plus, access to journal articles when Cressman Library has a subscription to the journal title. Also, citations and full-text to NCBI Bookshelf.
3. PubMed Central (PMC), free archive for full-text biomedical and life sciences journal articles.
4. If you limit your PubMed search to MeSH controlled vocabulary or the MEDLINE subset, you will see only MEDLINE citations in your results.

Open Access Databases

     PubChem image

MetaLib Federated Search

TOXNET Databases

Google Scholar

Search Google Scholar from the Databases A-Z page or from a Cressman Library Research Guide so that your results will include Find It @ Cedar Crest links when the library has full text access.

Google Scholar Search

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