Scholarly, peer-reviewed, Forensic Sciences journals are found at publisher websites and in library databases. Follow the links below or search the databases found on the databases page of this guide to find journals and look for journal articles.
Featured journal: Journal of Forensic Identification, Print: 1988 - present (Terrace Level), JFI Abstracts: 1998 - present, or, for example: Journal Name Search at NCJRS abstracts only, one article in 2020 open access.
American Society of Trace Evidence Examiners Journal (JASTEE) 2010 - present
Analytical Chemistry, ACS: 1947 - present
Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal, Taylor & Francis: 1968 - present
Drug Testing and Analysis, Wiley: 2009 - present
Forensic Chemistry, ScienceDirect: 2016 - present
Forensic Science International, ScienceDirect: 1995 - present
Forensic Science International: Genetics, ScienceDirect: 2007 - present
Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology, SpringerNature: 3/2005 - present
Forensic Sciences Research, Taylor & Francis: 2016 - present
Forensic Science Review, Note: access to abstracts, Table of Contents (TOC); with just the recent Professional Review and Commentary available in Full Text online.
Forensic Toxicology, SpringerNature: 7/2006 - present
International Journal of Legal Medicine, SpringerNature: 1997 - present
Investigative Genetics, EBSCO Open Access: 2010 - 2016
Investigative Sciences Journal, ISJ: 2009 - 2017
Japanese Journal of Forensic Science and Technology, J-STAGE: 2005 - present
Journal of Analytical Chemistry, SpringerNature: 2000 - present
Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Oxford University Press: 1996 - present
Journal of Chromatography B, ScienceDirect: 2009 - present
Journal of Forensic & Legal Medicine, ScienceDirect: 2009 - present
Journal of Forensic Identification, Print: 1988 - present, Abstracts: 1998 - present or, for example: Journal Name Search at NCJRS abstracts only.
Journal of Forensic Science Education, Open Access, sponsored by The Council of Forensic Science Educators
Open Access: 2019 - present
Journal of Forensic Sciences, The official publication of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Wiley: 2006 - present, Print: 1962-1963, 1965-1997, 1999-2005, 2010
Journal of Forensic Toxicology & Pharmacology, SciTechnol: 2012 - present (hybrid open access). Some articles are open access and full text. Others are abstract only.
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Print: 1981-1996, 1999-2011, Taylor & Francis: 1997 - present
Legal Medicine, ScienceDirect: 1999 - present
Medicine, Science and the Law, access to Table of Contents (TOC) and abstracts only from SAGE Journals.
Problems of Forensic Sciences / Z Zagadnień Nauk Sądowych, Publisher: 1997 - 1998 (abstracts only) 1999 - present (open access)
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, ScienceDirect: 1995 - present
Science and Justice: Journal of the Forensic Science Society, ScienceDirect: 1/1995 - present, also: Journal of the Forensic Science Society, Print: 1970, 1977, 1984-1994
American Chemical Society (ACS) (not C&EN)
The library does not have subscription access to the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC); however, several journals are open access. Select the open access search results filter on the search results page.
Forensic Science Communications
Peer reviewed forensic science journal. Published quarterly by FBI Laboratory personnel from April 1999 to April 2010. "This is archived material from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) website. It may contain outdated information and links may no longer function." If you have a citation from this journal and the links no longer function at, then look for the article in Google Scholar and/or the NCJRS Virtual Library.
Includes titles indexed in PubMed.
Find journal title abbreviations.
Use PubMed to search for articles in those journal titles. Use the PubMed links from the library Databases A-Z page for better access to what we may subscribe to.
Titles like Journal of Forensic Sciences, Journal of Analytical Toxicology, and Forensic Science International and more are indexed in PubMed.
Selecting a Journal for Publication: Quality Indicators, From Washington University in St. Louis.
For example:
Is the journal published by an established publisher or recognized professional society?
Does the journal provide a description of the review process?
Does the journal belong to organizations that promote publication ethics?
Which citation databases index the journal contents?
Are there instructions for authors and other helpful tips?
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1) select a resource from Databases A-Z or a Research Guide (ex. EBSCOhost)
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3) enter your FalconNet username and password
NOTE: Your EzPproxy login is the same as your Campus Network login (FalconNet); also, your Canvas login and your Email login--without the It is NOT your My CedarCrest login.
If you encounter a problem or need assistance email Cressman Library Information Services at Email individual librarians to make a Reference appointment for help with research questions.
Search E-Journals & Periodicals Publication Finder to find journals and/or to verify Cressman Library subscriptions. Or check, the WorldCat Discovery A-to-Z Titles list.
TIP: Before submitting an Interlibrary Loan, be sure to look up the journal title in E-Journals & Periodicals Publication Finder or in the WorldCat Discovery A-to-Z Titles list. Try searching Google Scholar, too.
Search Google Scholar from the Databases A-Z page or from a Cressman Library Research Guide so that your results will include Find It @ Cedar Crest links when the library has full text access.
Before requesting an Interlibrary Loan (ILL), try to find the article at Google Scholar. If the PDF of the article is not found there, then find it in WorldCat Discovery, the library catalog. Look for the blue interlibrary loan button. Fill out the form.
For more information on Interlibrary Loan, please visit Library Services | Interlibrary Loan.