Set up a time for a librarian to provide instruction to your class. Librarians will collaborate with you to create a lesson that meets the needs of the students in your course.
The Library subscribes to the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL). The ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education provide a framework for students to gather, analyze and use information.
1. Determine the nature and extent of information needed
2. Access information effectively and efficiently
3. Evaluate information and its sources critically
4. Use information to accomplish a specific purpose
5. Understand the economic, legal and social issues of information
AAC&U Information Literacy VALUE Rubric
Determine the Extent of the Information Needed
Access the Needed Information
Evaluate Information and its Sources Critically
Use Information Effectively to Accomplish a Specific Purpose
Access and Use Information Ethically and Legally
See also: Cressman Library Information Literacy LibGuide
ACRL Standards, ACRL Framework, AAC&U LEAP and VALUE Rubric. Books, articles, podcasts and much more.