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Public Health: FYS 131

Think about keywords and phrases, then start gathering your resources

Keywords and phrases:

addiction, behavior, compulsive behavior, behavior disorder, substance abuse, drug abuse, drug addiction, drug usage, drug dependency, self-control, responsibility, impulsiveness, alcoholism, tobacco smoking, internet addiction, personality, big five personality, opiates, iatrogenic disease, drama therapy, clown therapy

Once you have a few results, what are keywords and phrases in the summaries and abstracts? In the article titles? Note the assigned subject headings. Try searching again with those keywords.

Search WorldCat Local for books and video

Click to: search WorldCat Discovery for addiction. Enter: addiction in the search box.

Limit your results with the BOOK and VIDEO facets in the left column. To search for articles, use EBSCOhost. (Go to the next box.)

You may have found eVideo in WorldCat Discovery. For more streaming video, go to the Streaming Video LibGuide. Search Alexander Street Press or Films on Demand for "addiction AND self-control"

Search EBSCOhost for academic journal articles

Search EBSCOhost. Select any or all of the databases listed here. Or, search each database one by one with the links below.

When you search more than one database, look to see how many results there are from each one. This is listed at the bottom of the facets in the left column.

For scholarly, Academic Journal articles only, limit the results to Peer Reviewed by placing a check-mark on that facet. Then, to limit the results to articles that are available as full text, place a check-mark on Linked Full Text. Otherwise, some of the results will be just the citations and abstracts.

Search example in EBSCOhost

Featured Journal: Current Addiction Reports

Journal titles, see also:

EBSCO A-to-Z | E-Journals & Periodicals List to find journals and/or to verify Cressman Library holdings, whether online or in print.

If you don't have a particular journal title to look up, try searching for journals about the subject "substance abuse & addiction." This works, because the journal titles listed in the E-Journals & Periodicals Publication Finder are usually assigned a subject.

American Psychological Association

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (

WHO Health Topics

Searching for Articles in Databases

The library full text and index databases are for searching for several articles on a topic in several different journals. EBSCO PsycINFO/PsycARTICLES are two databases to start a search for articles about addiction.

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