When you search and explore the Art Therapy literature, you will become familiar with certain journal titles—especially the ones published by Art Therapy associations. You may want to start your search in one of those journals. There are a few listed on this page. If you would like to find a lot of articles in a lot of different journals related to Art Therapy and Psychology, then search one of the databases listed on this page instead. |
Off campus? |
This is a list of some of the Art Therapy journals available to the Cedar Crest community. For a more complete list of journals, go to E-Journals and Periodicals Publication Finder OR WorldCat Discovery A-to-Z Titles.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service that makes it possible for materials not available in the Cressman Library to be borrowed from other libraries.
All Cedar Crest students, faculty, alumnae and staff may use ILL.
To request an item through ILL find the title in WorldCat Discovery, click the "Request Item Through Interlibrary Loan" button and complete the form. Request forms are also available on the library website for items not found in the online catalog.
Delivery of ILL may take from one day to two weeks or more.
For more information on Interlibrary Loan, please visit Library Services | Interlibrary Loan.
(Question, what is a database? Answer, an organized collection of electronic information that can be searched in various ways.)
This is a list of some of the databases available to the Cedar Crest community where you will find Art Therapy literature. The same databases are listed on our Databases A-Z Art Therapy page.
When you are off campus, our ERIC links will go through EzProxy so that if we have access to an article through an ERIC "direct link" you will be able to get to the full text. Warning: Direct links that are openly available sometimes take you out of EzProxy. Be sure cedarcrestcollege.idm.oclc.org is part of the URL when you are searching from off campus and need access to what we subscribe to.
From the U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, with coverage in the psychology. Tip: try using quotes around "art therapy" in your searches.
PubMed Central (PMC)is part of PubMed with free and open access to articles. Articles that are not free and not open access will go to publisher web sites that the library may or may not subscribe to. Follow the full text links in the upper right corner of the page--from the abstract--to find out if the full text is available to you.
Go to PubMed with Full Text Finder links so that our EBSCO Full Text Finder links show up and you can find out what our full text options are. Then, if the library does not have access to the full article, you will be redirected to WorldCat Discovery, the library catalog, to request an Interlibrary Loan.
PubPsych. A joint project of several European and the U.S. organizations, National Library of Medicine (PubMed) and Education Resources Information Center (ERIC).
You will find articles that are open access and articles that require a subscription. Follow the Check Full Text Availability link and then the prompts to get to the results for Cedar Crest College.
Search Google Scholar from Databases A-Z or from a Cressman Library Research Guide so that your results will include Find It @ Cedar Crest links when the library has full text access.