Access library databases, ebooks, journals, journal articles, and streaming video from off campus.
1) select a resource from Databases A-Z or a Research Guide (ex. EBSCOhost)
2) on the “EzPproxy” login screen
3) enter your FalconNet username and password
NOTE: Your EzPproxy login is the same as your Campus Network login (FalconNet); also, your Canvas login and your Email login--without the It is NOT your My CedarCrest login.
If you encounter a problem or need assistance email Cressman Library Information Services at Email individual librarians to make a Reference appointment for help with research questions.
This is a list of featured databases.
The full list is Databases A-Z.
Search Google Scholar from Databases A-Z or from a Cressman Library Research Guide so that your results will include Find It @ Cedar Crest links when the library has full text access.
Search E-Journals & Periodicals Publication Finder to find journals and/or to verify Cressman Library subscriptions.
TIP: Before submitting an Interlibrary Loan, do at least one of the following: 1) look for the journal title in E-Journals & Periodicals Publication Finder to verify whether or not Cressman Library has access, or 2) check WorldCat Discovery A-to-Z Titles list, or 3) search for the article at Google Scholar.
Students, faculty, and staff of Cedar Crest College may submit ILL requests. To request an item through ILL find the title in WorldCat Discovery, click the "Request Item Through Interlibrary Loan" button and complete the form.
For more information on Interlibrary Loan, please visit Library Services | Interlibrary Loan.
Search WorldCat Discovery, the Library Catalog, for books, media, journals and journal articles.