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Art Therapy: MAAT 2022 / 2023

This is a research guide for a multidisciplinary approach to art therapy.


Databases A-Z


databases a-z image

   Databases A-Z by Subject Art Therapy



Searching for articles, where to search:

EBSCO CINAHL  or  (EBSCO PsycInfo/PsycArticles)  or  PubMed with Full Text Finder

EBSCO Education Full Text  or  ERIC

EBSCO PsycInfo/PsycArticles  or  APA PsycNet

WorldCat Discovery, the Library Catalog  or  Google Scholar




Knowing journal titles:

Journals page of this guide  or  E-Journals & Periodicals  or  WorldCat Discovery A-to-Z Titles






attunement AND art therapy 
Search example 1 in CINAHL.
Browse the results and take a close look at the keywords and the subjects that are assigned to the articles.
Given the very few results, how else can we do this search?


attunement OR empathy AND art therapy 
Search example 2 in CINAHL.
Finding that articles from the previous search were assigned the subject empathy (a concept related to attunement), add empathy to the search.
Are there any other related concepts to add to the search?
Given the subject matter, should we search the Psych databases instead?








attunement AND art therapy 
Search example 1 in EBSCO APA PsycInfo/APA PsycArticles.
Not all the results are journal articles.

attunement OR empathy AND art therapy 
Search example 2 in EBSCO APA PsycInfo/APA PsycArticles.
Then limit the results to Academic Journals and by date range.
There are several other limiters, too.


academic articles


Academic articles are from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals  and are not found in books, not found in newspapers, and not found in trade magazines, although you will sometimes find references to them in those places. Given the very nature of scholarly and scientific research communication, you will find the references to and the citations for many, many academic articles within academic articles.

Use the Academic Journals limiter in the EBSCO databases (and/or use the Peer Reviewed) limiter after you have settled on your search words.

Why are scholarly research articles peer-reviewed?  To check for,

original material
clear writing
appropriate study methods
valid data
reasonable conclusions (and the data supports the conclusions)   What is plagiarism?  Did I plagiarize (infographic)?


TurnItIn? Using TurnItIn in Canvas?




Artistic Appropriation / Appropriation Art

vs. Plagiarism

BTW, (When Does an Artist’s Appropriation Become Copyright Infringement?)



APA Manual of Style


Referring to the APA Manual of Style

APA Manual of Style and Grammar Guidelines

Citing Research Guide Take the APA Crash Course, 7th ed.


Which one is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal?
The Arts in Psychotherapy: 2 votes (100%)
ARTnews: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 2


Which one is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal??
Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association: 2 votes (100%)
Broken Pencil: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 2




 #1 Does Cressman Library have access to Judith A. Rubin’s “Art of Art Therapy” book?

Yes, both in print and ebook. Also, several other books by Judith Rubin. The ebook is at ProQuest Ebook Central. Read online/download chapter by chapter. To download/checkout the entire book requires Adobe Digital Editions software and a ProQuest personal account. For many more ebooks, check out our Ebooks Research Guide.

#2 Does Cressman Library have access to American Art Therapy Association (AATA) journals?

The library has access to Art Therapy: The Journal of the American Art Therapy Association at the Taylor & Francis website. Older issues of Art Therapy are available via an ERIC PDF file (go to the Art Therapy Research Guide). The library also has access to other association Art Therapy journals at Taylor & Francis—the British Association of Art Therapists and the Canadian Art Therapy Association.

#3 How to find an article when you only have part of the citation. What are my options?

- Search WorldCat Discovery, the library catalog – advanced search.
- Search the PsycInfo/PsycArticles databases or an EBSCO database that covers the topic.
- Search E-Journals & Periodicals for the journal and from there search within the journal.
- Search DOI: the Digital Object Identifier / DOI System, if you have the DOI.
- Search Google Scholar. Go to Google Scholar from the library website—Databases A-Z or Art Therapy Research Guide.

#4 What do I do if I’m browsing the internet and happen to find a really good article title, but can only get to the abstract? I’m being prompted to pay $37.50 for the entire article. (Searching Google vs. Searching Google Scholar)

Try to find the article by searching Google Scholar instead of Google. If we have access in print or in a database other than the publisher’s site, the Full Text @ Cedar Crest links will be in Google Scholar. Be sure to go to Google Scholar from Databases A-Z or the Art Therapy Research Guide, though. Check the steps in #3. If you are still unable to get to the entire article, submit an Interlibrary Loan request through WorldCat Discovery, the library catalog.

#5 Wait, what? Aren’t all the articles at PubMed free and open access?

PubMed does include articles that are indexed and freely available via PubMed Central. The difference is that PubMed also indexes and provides the abstracts for journal articles that require a subscription. If you take the PubMed with Full Text Finder link from the library website—Databases A-Z—or from the Art Therapy Research Guide, you will have access to the library subscriptions where available. If an article is not available via a library subscription the Full Text Finder links will take you to a page in WorldCat Discovery, the library catalog. From there, continue to follow the prompts in order to submit an Interlibrary Loan request.

#6 What about the American Psychological Association (APA) website? Can’t I just search APA PsycNet from there?

You will find Open Access (OA) and Free to Read APA PsycArticles by searching the APA PsycNet site. If a PsycArticle is not OA and not Free to Read, then try the Get Access button and follow through to Check Access where you may be able to download the PDF of a PsycArticle. If you are off-campus, after Check Access, enter your Cedar Crest email address and follow the directions from there. Be sure to search both APA PsycInfo + APA PsycArticles with our subscription access via EBSCOhost for more thorough searching and access to many more articles.

PsycNet (at APA)


APA PsycNet PsycArticles through EzProxy

This is for APA PsycNet PsycArticles only. Check Get Access for Cedar Crest College. Be sure to search both APA PsycArticles and APA PsycInfo in EBSCO for more complete access.
(Check out knowing 6 for more info).


getting to the library databases from off campus


EzProxy screen example

EzProxy directions

The next time you search for an article for Art Therapy, where will you search?
PsycArticles: 4 votes (44.44%)
PsycInfo: 2 votes (22.22%)
Education Full Text: 0 votes (0%)
ERIC: 0 votes (0%)
PubMed w/Full Text Finder Links: 1 votes (11.11%)
CINAHL: 1 votes (11.11%)
Google Scholar: 1 votes (11.11%)
Total Votes: 9


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