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Forensic Science - FSC 500/503: FSC 2022


Databases A-Z


databases a-z image

    Databases A-Z by Subject Forensic Science




Searching for articles:

SciFinder (with CAplus)  vs.  PubMed w/Full Text Finder Links

WorldCat Discovery, the Library Catalog  vs.  Google Scholar

[Searching for articles in these databases will take you to sources in many of our other databases.]


Verifying journal titles:

E-Journals & Periodicals  vs.  WorldCat Discovery A-to-Z Titles

[Finding journal titles in these databases will usually take you to the publisher's site and/or to where our subscription access is.]


SciFinder + SciFinder-n


How will you enter your search? Examples, same topic.

  • “human exposure and toxicity of parabens”

  • humans toxicity parabens

  • (toxicity OR toxicology) AND parabens AND humans

  • p-hydroxybenzoic acid esters AND humans AND toxicology

Reminder: Access to SciFinder will end at the end of Spring Semester 2021-2022.
Start searching SciFinder-n instead.



PubMed + PubMed w/Full Text Finder links


Search PubMed using the PubMed w/Full Text Finder link from Databases A-Z or the FSC 500 Research Guide. Look for the (PubMed Outside Tool) Full Text Finder link indicating our access to full text. If the library does not have access to the full text of an article, though, you will be redirected to WorldCat Discovery, the library catalog, to request an Interlibrary Loan.

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6 Takeaways

 #1 Does Cressman Library still have access to FORENSICnetBASE?

Yes, go to the Taylor & Francis eBooks database.


#2 Does Cressman Library have access to American Chemical Society (ACS) journals?

Yes, the library has access to ACS journals (except for C&EN). Browse a list of our ACS journals in the E-Journals & Periodicals database HERE


#3 How do I find an article when I only have part of the citation? What are my options?

- Search WorldCat Discovery, the library catalog – advanced search.
- Search a comprehensive discipline specific database like SciFinder or PubMed (w/FTF).
- Search E-Journals & Periodicals for the journal title, if available. Follow the Full Text links to finish your search.
- Search DOI, the Digital Object Identifier / DOI System, if you have the DOI.
- Search Google Scholar. Go to Google Scholar from Databases A-Z or the FSC 500 Research Guide.

#4 What do I do if I’m browsing the internet and happen to find a really good article title, but can only get to the abstract? I’m being prompted to pay $37.50 for the entire article. (Searching Google vs. Searching Google Scholar)

Try to find the article by searching Google Scholar instead of Google. Go to Google Scholar from Databases A-Z or the FSC 500 Research Guide. If we have access in print or in a database other than the publisher’s site, the Full Text @ Cedar Crest links will be there. Check the steps in #3. If you are still unable to get to the entire article, submit an Interlibrary Loan request through WorldCat Discovery, the library catalog.

#5 What's the best way to go about finding the Table of Contents (TOC) of a journal?

Search a database that will give you a list of journals and the detailed records of those journals like E-Journals & Periodicals or WorldCat Discovery Titles A-to-Z. Look for links that go to the journal website and browse the current issues and/or the archives (all issues). BTW, you can subscribe to receive email notifications for the current TOCs of most journals. Here's an example.

Springer Nature Journal Alert imageSN Journal Alert button

#6 My Thesis? Will the College help me publish my thesis? Will it be online?

The library and the FSC department have a process for submitting your thesis to ProQuest so that it will be Open Access. Your thesis will become available worldwide through ProQuest PQDT Open and to the Cedar Crest community via ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ Cedar Crest College. Refer to the Dissertations & Theses Research Guide for more information. You may have further questions about adapting a thesis into a journal article or questions about using your own previously published work in your thesis.







Advanced Search example in PubMed for Affiliation, Cedar Crest College


Search PubMed with Full Text Finder links. In this advanced search, for example, for the affiliation Cedar Crest College, sorted by most recent publication date, the article shown is available via Wiley. Go to the abstract of the article and take the Full Text Finder link to get the article at Wiley. undefined

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