Access library databases, ebooks, journals, journal articles, and streaming video from off campus.
1) select a resource from Databases A-Z or a Research Guide (ex. EBSCOhost)
2) on the “EzPproxy” login screen
3) enter your FalconNet username and password
NOTE: Your EzPproxy login is the same as your Campus Network login (FalconNet); also, your Canvas login and your Email login--without the It is NOT your My CedarCrest login.
If you encounter a problem or need assistance email Cressman Library Information Services at Email individual librarians to make a Reference appointment for help with research questions.
The purpose of this guide is to present resources for research in the study of African-American Literature. The term African-American is the one used here because the material focuses on literary production by American descendants of chattel slavery. Additionally, it does incorporate Pan-African ideas, diasporic discourses, and Postcolonial literatures in the style of Africana studies. This guide aims to take an interdisciplinary approach while specializing in the departments of History, Literature & Languages.
Start with the Biography page of the Drama, Poetry, and Prose section. It contains a sample of biographies available through Cressman Library and resources for doing biographical research. Additionally, each of the pages of the Literary Movements and Time Periods section contains a sidebar listing a selection of prominent authors of the period.
To learn more about authors, check out the Biography page of this guide. For historical context, visit the Literature in Context by Era section of the Literary Movements and Time Periods page.
If you would like a book that Cressman Library doesn't have, we can borrow it from other libraries. When using the catalog, search for the desired title and then click on the Request Item through Interlibrary Loan button under Access Options. Learn more about our interlibrary loan services here.
Our Citing LibGuide provides resources on citation formats and manuals.
The Getting Started page of this guide contains a selection of anthologies. Some authors' collected or complete works can also be found under the Biography and Poetry, Prose, and Rhetoric pages. To search the library catalog, enter the author's name in the Keyword search box and "collected" or "complete" in the Title search box.
Even if your source is usually reputable, always pay attention to indicators that an article or author may not be the most reliable when reading. Get started with our Evaluating Online Sources LibGuide. For instructors, our Information Literacy LibGuide provides resources for teaching research skills.
At the bottom of each page in the Literary Movements and Time Periods section, there is a list of media available through Cressman Library. Some of these are movie adaptations of the featured books.
Cressman Library uses the Dewey Decimal System to organize its physical collection. The 800s range spans Literature; 810 specifies American Literature in English and 896 corresponds to African Literatures. When searching the library catalog, select Print Book; under the Format options.
Many of the titles included in this guide are full-text, available online through Cressman Library. We also have access to the databases eBook central (Proquest) and eBook Collection and eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (EBSCO).
American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection is the best database for researching historical newspapers. For a list of abolitionist and African-American newspapers available through Cressman Library, see the list on the sidebar of The Black Press page of this guide.
Use E-Journals & Periodicals Publication Finder to browse Journals available through Cressman Library. The Databases and Journals page of this guide provides suggested titles organized by type.
Many databases allow users to narrow to reviews under their Filters options. Gale Literature and JSTOR are great databases for finding reviews and summaries as well. Some good sources to use are literary journals and library trade publications.
For lesson plans and teaching guides, go to the Web Resources page of this LibGuide. To locate instructor resources, please visit our Library Services LibGuide.
Cressman Library and the Student Success Center are both located in the same building. If you need help with researching, contact our library staff. For assistance with study and writing skills, check out Writing & Tutoring Resources.
The Black Women's Renaissance is a literary movement which focuses on production by Black women writers. To search the library catalog for works by women writers, use the subject headings "African (American) women in literature", "American/ African literature—Women authors", and "Women and literature—United States/ Africa". Or, add "—Women authors" to your search terms.
Search Google Scholar from Databases A-Z or from a Cressman Library Research Guide so that your results will include Find It @ Cedar Crest links when the library has full text access to an article.